Trying to be a pro up in here but it’s quiet, not too interesting work:
1) Working on the new album – met with Rob Cosh who I worked with on Out of It and it looks like we’re good to go. I just need to finish off the tracks. Also I’m trying to decide on album artwork.
2) Working on the live show – adding lights and visuals and working on improving the general live sound and presentation.
3) Planning – I have a sheet of paper here with Brad Sucks stuff (releases and promotion etc) planned out until next June. I feel so legit looking at it. Legit and overwhelmed.
4) Video – trying to get some video stuff going for the next record. It’s an area I never really enjoy but I should probably do it.
5) Website fixing – tidying up this place a bit. Upgraded bbPress, added Facebook connect and fixing my mailing list software since I haven’t sent out the Brad Sucks mailing list in forever.
6) Secret projects – plotting out some new projects which have so far involved a lot of meetings.
7) Maintaining my mlkshk account – this thing doesn’t update itself you guys.
But enough about me, how are you?